Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Link to Cool Links

I must admit, the below link will take you to a loooooong list of great links.

Monday, March 2, 2009

I used to dread student teaching but before I started I reminded myself to be thankful for all experiences - especially getting the opportunity to see different classrooms and different kids. Lo and behold within a few days I substituted at a junior high science room in central Spokane. This particular science teacher had all sorts of collages scattered throughout the room. This collage was created with her inspiration. I spent 12 hours cutting out colorful pictures from a stack of about 30 National Geographic magazines. I then separated them into groups based on color and tried to make one poster for each color in the rainbow ROYGBIV.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Welcome to Miss Kiirsten's Virtual Classroom!

O.K. I must admit, I have the "first day of school" blues. This is actually the beginning of my first year working primarily from home and I think it is going to take awhile to adjust.

Weeks ago I started planning, purchasing, and preparing my new home office.

I wanted to keep the new furnishings simple. I tend to be rather task oriented and if I can keep only a few items at a time on my desk I am apt to progress quickly through my work. So here pictured to the left is a photograph of my "classroom." I have a warm bright lamp to light my workspace, a container for pencils and an electric pencil sharpener. The centerpiece is a simple bare bones laptop computer I purchased last month. Despite the minimal cost I am pleasantly surprised by how well the computer has fit my needs. Not pictured includes a fairly comfortable straight backed chair and a small bookcase.

In addition I also have a blank bulletin board on which I will post a map with pictures and notes about the students I am serving. I enjoy history, geography, and maps. So whenever I have the opportunity to use maps to enhance learning I jump on the chance.

Lastly, I have a small brass and marble statue of an early American era school desk. (?) When my mother started her first year of teaching in a two room schoolhouse (in 1973?) my grandmother gave this to her as a gift. I keep it close to my side.

All in all, I feel well prepared for the upcoming year and full of hope for the friendships that will develop. I have always enjoyed how this occupation has allowed me to connect with parents and students in a meaningful manner. Feel free to connect with me via e-mail at You can also leave voice messages for me at the Northport Homelink room at 1-509-732-4441 ext. 162.

My home "office" is also planning to spend some time travelling around the state to meet Northport families in their hometowns. If you know of a specific event or location you suggest I visit please give me and e-mail and let me know.